NASA Has Captured What It’s Like to Fly Into the Sun
It looks unpleasant, tbh.
Published 1 month ago in Wow
It looks unpleasant, tbh.
It looks unpleasant, tbh.
Back in 2018, NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe with the express purpose of getting it as close to the sun as possible. Why? Science, that’s why!
But really, there are a whole bunch of goals with the project, which I’m sure a bunch of nerds will happily say justifies the program’s $1.5 billion price tag.
Even if I can’t understand these goals, what I *can* understand is the most recent video data we got from the craft’s closest pass to the sun. Needless to say, being that close to the sun seems really, really miserable.
The Parker Probe is the first ever to “touch the sun” but also recorded its atmospheric environment
byu/copitamenstrual innextfuckinglevel